Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kid's can be SMART about ART

Admission is free at the Smart Museum, where your students will be welcomed by the smARTkids, four students of upper-elementary and middle-school age. When students click on the girl on the left, she takes them to meet an artist, visit a studio and see some great art. The boy next to her shows students different ways to look at art and how to tell a story using art. The art includes photography, sculpture, painting and other genres. The smARTkids site was developed by the Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, to help children—particularly those aged 7–12—discover ways to look at, think about and respond to art. Although some smARTkids activities are structured, most promote open-ended exploration of art. Visit the site with your students to learn the language of art, understand that artworks invite multiple interpretations and see how art is created for a wide variety of personal and social purposes. - From the TCEA Big Book of Technology Ideas


  1. Very cool website - thanks for finding it and sharing!!! I'm going to pass it along to our art teacher.

  2. Great website! Free is always nice too. I can really see how the kids would enjoy using this and learning something at the same time. Thanks for sharing this.
