Thursday, July 30, 2009


Below you will find a link to GCast. If you listen to the Vocaroo Podcast in the post below, it will give an explanation. This is a sample of a Poetry Podcast I helped my son do on Audacity. A Poetry Podcast is a recording of an original poem with sound effects added. They are a lot of fun to make!!! Enjoy!

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  1. I totally loved the sound effects! It made the poem come alive and added so much!

  2. Very cute! Love the sound effects!

  3. Super job - I am so impressed. I didn't have the energy to try to figure out sounds - but hope to in the near future. That is awesome.

  4. GREAT JOB! I was having "so much fun" trying out how to get the gcast posted that my sound effects wouldn't have been so cute! :)
